
For more information on the DAP 2.0 protocol, visit the specification page.

Create a DDS, DAS and DODS responses from arbitrary numpy arrays

Basic imports:

import numpy as np
import opendap_protocol as dap

Define dimensions:

x = dap.Array(name='x', data=np.array([0, 1, 2]), dtype=dap.Int16)
y = dap.Array(name='y', data=np.array([10, 11, 12]), dtype=dap.Int16)
z = dap.Array(name='z', data=np.array([20, 21, 22]), dtype=dap.Int16)

Define an array holding our data:

data_array = dap.Grid(name='data',
                      data=np.random.rand(3, 3, 3),
                      dimensions=[x, y, z])

Define attributes:

attrs = [
    dap.Attribute(name='units', value='m s-1', dtype=dap.String),
    dap.Attribute(name='version', value=2, dtype=dap.Int16),

and attach them to the data array:


Glue it all together by creating the Dataset and appending to it:

dataset = dap.Dataset(name='Example')
dataset.append(x, y, z, data_array)

Each of the DAP 2.0 responses returns a generator iterator. Such a generator has generally a low memory footprint, since the serialized data set does not need to be held in memory at once. Rather, serialization takes place as a consumer iterates through the data set.

For testing purposes, each response can be printed as string:


# Dataset {
# Int16 x[x = 3];
# Int16 y[y = 3];
# Int16 z[z = 3];
# Grid {
#   Array:
#     Float64 data[x = 3][y = 3][z = 3];
#   Maps:
#     Int16 x[x = 3];
#     Int16 y[y = 3];
#     Int16 z[z = 3];
#   } data;
# } Example;


# Attributes {
#     x {
#     }
#     y {
#     }
#     z {
#     }
#     data {
#         String units "m s-1";
#         Int16 version 2;
#     }
# }


# See for yourself ;-)

Serving data through a web service using Flask


We assume, that the dataset created above is still available as a variable.

Basic setup:

import urllib
from flask import Flask, Response, request

app = Flask(__name__)

Define the web service endpoints needed by the DAP protocol:

@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def dds_response():
    # Retrieve constraints from the request to handle slicing, etc.
    constraint = urllib.parse.urlsplit(request.url)[3]
    return Response(,

@app.route('/dataset.das', methods=['GET'])
def das_response():
    constraint = urllib.parse.urlsplit(request.url)[3]
    return Response(

@app.route('/dataset.dods', methods=['GET'])
def dods_response():
    constraint = urllib.parse.urlsplit(request.url)[3]
    return Response(

Data can then be loaded from any Python terminal using xarray or netCDF4.


Please be aware, that for opening a dataset the suffix (.dds, .das or .dods) needs to be omitted. The netCDF library figures out on its own which endpoint it has to call in what order.


import xarray as xr

data = import xr.open_dataset('http://localhost:5000/dataset')

# <xarray.Dataset>
# Dimensions:  (x: 3, y: 3, z: 3)
# Coordinates:
#   * x        (x) int16 0 1 2
#   * y        (y) int16 10 11 12
#   * z        (z) int16 20 21 22
# Data variables:
#     data     (x, y, z) float64 0.7793 0.3464 0.1331 ... 0.2244 0.4277 0.1545


import netCDF4 as nc

data = nc.Dataset('http://localhost:5000/dataset')

# <class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Dataset'>
# root group (NETCDF3_CLASSIC data model, file format DAP2):
#     dimensions(sizes): x(3), y(3), z(3)
#     variables(dimensions): int16 x(x), int16 y(y), int16 z(z), float64 data(x,y,z)
#     groups: